There are three classifications of hearing aids and all depend on the type of hearing loss, the degree of hearing loss, and the configuration of the hearing loss.

  1. ITE (in the ear)
  2. BTE (behind the ear)
  3. RIC (receiver in the canal)

BTE Hearing Aids

These devices are worn with the hearing aid on top of and behind the ear. All of the parts are in the case at the back of the ear, and they are joined to the ear canal with a sound tube and a custom mould or tip.

ITE Hearing Aids

These are custom-made devices, all of the electronics sit in a device that fits in your ear, and they come in many sizes including CIC (completely in Canal) and IIC (Invisible in Canal).

RIC RITE Hearing Aids

These devices are similar in concept to BTE hearing aids, with the exception that the receiver (the speaker) has been removed from the case that sits at the back of the ear. It is fitted in your ear canal or ear and connected to the case of the hearing aid with a thin wire.